Application Forthcoming Deadlines:



  • SeriesLab is designed for international teams of writers and producers willing to develop original and commercially viable TV series projects is back. The 9 teams will collaborate with 3 TV and film professionals interested in getting some insight into the development process of a fiction TV series, guided by experienced tutors. Both classes wrap up their path with a final industry event. Application deadline: 10/01/2024.


  • CAMPUS DOCSBARCELONA: A creation lab with follow-up tutorials and training sessions throughout the year for non-fiction projects. Early bird: 10-31/12/2024. Application deadline: 01-27/01/2025.  

  • EUREKA SERIES: Experience the writers' room! Application deadline: 08/12/2024

  • ACE animation: Apply now for the ACE Animation Special. Held in Ireland in March 2025, the workshop is aimed at experienced producers who want to expand their knowledge of animation production. Tackling everything from financing and co-producing to script development and animatics. Application deadline: 29/11/2024.​​

  • Animation lab: animation production lab. Applications deadline: 20/11/2024.





  • Dokweb: database of documentary training programmes.

  • European Writers Club and The Creative Connection: two quality fictional content development and writing courses to enhance the skills of creative talents working on fictional series and to foster the emergence of strong and diverse teams.


  • Close-up, a coproduction training programme for filmmakers from the Middle East and North Africa.

  • Catapult Research Grant for nonfiction films and filmmakers: $10,000 grant plus six months of mentorship and professional development to five filmmakers in the early conception and research phase of developing a new film idea.

  • Sundance Institute:  labs, grants, intensives, mentorships with accomplished professionals, and ongoing support to advance the development, production, and completion of independent work. 
  • Tribeca Film Institute: mentorship, and networking opportunities for entry- to mid-level filmmakers:

    1. Scripted : short or feature-length films or series

    2. Documentary: short or feature-length films

    3. Interactive: artists of emerging technologies (e.g. VR and AR)

  • The D-Word: for documentary professionals worldwide, offering discussions about the art, craft, business and social impact of documentary film. 

  • Women in Film and Television International (Ireland): Masterclass & networking events, support to female  participation, commission a detailed statistical analysis of the Irish film and television industry.
  • EWA Network: group of women working in the European film industry
    1. One-to-one business mentoring programme for women producers
    2. Berlin Scriptwriters' Residency : script consultant and the accreditation for the Berlinale.
    3. Film industry workshops for female directors & producers

  • Institute of Documentary Film (IDF, Czech Republic): supporting creative documentary films from Central and Eastern Europe
     Oriente Film: residential workshops and training

  • Documentary Campus: for European documentary producers with tailored training and advice.
    1.The Masterschool: Workshops for European directors and producers. Application until 15 November 2021.

    2.Crossing Borders: One-off workshops and pitching forums for Asian and European filmmakers.
    3. Campus Latino: training programme for experienced filmmakers from Latin America.
    4. The MENA Programme: A training course for filmmakers from the Middle East and North Africa.


  • Serial Eyes (Berlin, Germany): Europe's postgraduate training programme for television writers and producers.
  • CIRCLE - Women Doc Accelerator (21-26/09/2021, Tivat ,Montenegro): training programme for female documentary film directors and producers.

  • scriptFORUM Vienna Austria: for female professional screenwriters, training programme to improve a treatment or a screenplay with a group of 3-4 experts from the fields of screenwriting/dramaturgy, directing and production. The costs incurred are borne entirely by DrehbuchFORUM. Applications for scriptFORUM should be sent by email to: Please include the material in question in the form of a script or treatment and a brief explanation of why a scriptFORUM should be used.


Closed Applications:


  • AI WRITERS BOOTCAMP (online from 25-27/11/2024): for professionals looking to harness the power of artificial intelligence for narratives. 8 speakers bringing their own unique experience to master AI generative tools throughout the script creation process. Deepen your skills through interactive sessions and, with the help of experts, formulate your own prompts right through to live production! Book your spot in our AI Bootcamp and be at the forefront of innovative narrative. Application deadline: 11/11/2024.

  • Écrire des personnages puissants au service du scénario Niveau perfectionnement (4-8/11/2024, Bourg les Valences, France): Inscription

  • CEE Animation workshop: for animated project in development (shorts, TV, feature-length, hybrid, XR). Application deadline: 8/11/2024.

  • GREEN PRODUCTION LAB in El Prat De Llobregat (Spain). The programme is open to up to 12 European professionals coming from the world of sustainability and 3 teams of European producer and production assistant with a project at pre-production stage. This first edition will unfold online and residentially between 28th January and 1st February 2025 in Spain. Read the call and apply untill 5/11/2024.​

  • WEMW and EURODOCDOCS MEET SERIES. Docuseries Inspirational Lab. Docs Meet Series is designed for producers willing to build or strengthen skills specific to Docuseries. Application deadline: 5/11/2024

  • European Co-Production - Legal and Financial Aspects (Hanover, Germany) : workshop on the legal and financial aspects of co-productions using reports, practical advice and interactive learning. Application deadline: 31/10/2024

  • SERIES PITCH DECK (13-15/11/2024, Lille, France): Are you planning to present your series project to potential partners or to apply for calls for projects, such as Series Mania Forum Co-pro pitching sessions or Writers Campus? Do you want to create a compelling pitch deck?  And use digital tools and artifical intelligence to gain in efficiency? Early bird rate until 15/07/2024. Register before 25/10/2024.​

  • WRITERS' CAMPUS (SERIES MANIA): Professional screenwriters from around the world with a project in development will be selected to participate in a week of intensive workshops and meetings with high-level mentors and series professionals. Application deadline: 21/10/2024.

  • The Art of Negotiating Agreements for Film and TV (Berlin, Germany): training for producers wishing to acquire an in-depth understanding of negotiation structures and mechanisms. Application deadline: 16/10/2024

  • PITCH YOUR SERIES (SERIES MANIA INSTITUTE): in a unique multicultural atmosphere  in the heart of Lille's historic district, discover the power of the pitch to win international audiovisual contracts. This course will help you succeed in all your future professional projects.  Application deadline: 14/10/2024.

  • The FIFDH Impact Days: helps independent filmmakers from around the globe to amplify the impact of their work. We facilitate meaningful alliances between filmmakers and key organisations, policymakers and funders active around International Geneva - and beyond. We SELECT compelling documentary projects, TRAIN selected teams to craft an effective impact strategy and we CONNECT them with potential partners. Application by 04/10/2024.opns!

  • Impact Kickstart 2025! offers partnership and strategy development, 1:1 mentorship support, and $60,000 in impact campaign funding to underrepresented filmmakers with feature-length films that hold great promise to catalyse action and address critical issues of our time. Now in its seventh year, Impact Kickstart has helped underrepresented filmmakers create strategic goals for impact and specific plans to engage future partners, funders, and audiences in meaningful ways. This year, two film teams will receive an Impact Kickstart from Working Films. Learn more and apply here by 26/09/2024 at 11:59pm EST.

  • Écrire une série et apprendre à écrire à plusieurs, l'expérience de la writer's room, Niveau intermédiaire (23-28/09/2024, Bourg les Valences, France): Inscription

  • Drama Series Co-Writing Residency between Israel and France launches its sixth call: application until 16/09/2024, 17.00 CET.​

  • SERIES' WOMEN : Online workshop for female producers in the European drama series industry and hiring managers at participating producers' companies. Application deadline: 16/09/2024.​

  • AUDIOVISUAL WOMEN : online programme aimed at female professionals in management positions, designed to enhance their skills so that they can better master today's industry challenges, develop innovative business models and seize the opportunities offered by digitisation. Application deadline: 16/09/2024.

  • Caméra libre: The CNC, the Cité internationale des arts and L'usage du monde au 21e siècle launch a residency program for foreign filmmakers faced with a difficult situation in their country. Application deadline: 15/09/2024.

  • Eclair de série - Arte / Paris Science : Pour aider en ligne un talent émergent à développer une série documentaire autour de la science et de l’environnement destinée à une diffusion numériqueApplication deadline: 15/09/2024.

  • Serial bridges Istanbul (18-22/11/2024): to give participants a good understanding of the international series market and, more specifically, practical advice on how to better apprehend the European co- production and co-financing market better. For writer/producer duos from Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan with a series project. Application deadline: 10/09/2024.

  • Caméra libre: The CNC, the Cité internationale des arts and L'usage du monde au 21e siècle launch the new call for projects of "Caméra libre", A residency program for foreign filmmakers faced with a difficult situation in their country. 

  • ​Deadlines: 

    September 9, 2024 (start between February/April)

    January 7, 2025 (start between March/June)

  • EURODOC RE-ACT On-Demand Workshop (04-08/11/2024, Udine, Italy): for producers from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Friuli-Venezia-Giulia (Italy) with a documentary project at any stage of development. Application deadline: 08/09/2024.
  • Creative Partnership Lab (Gent, Belgium): During the Film Music Days (15-17 October), we invite three young filmmakers (under 36) and three young composers to discover the programme together. Deadline for directors is 1/09/2024. 

  • EAVE PRODUCERS WORKSHOP:  Application deadline: 19/08/2024.​

  • Dox In Vitro: A workshop on developing documentaries "in the test tube" under the guidance of experienced tutors, focusing on the role and necessity of co-productions in the documentary sector in Piešťany, Slovakia. Application deadline: 15/08/2024.

  • Munich - Forum RIDM Québec-Bavarian training programme for producers. Application deadline: 12/08/2024.

  • CPH:DOX, EAVE and IMS are calling filmmakers from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine to submit their documentary projects in development to a tailor-made co-production training programme CHANGE. Application deadline: 12/08/2024.

  • IDFAcademy: intensive four-day program of knowledge-exchange and inspiration during IDFA. Application deadline: 01/08/2024.

  • Market ready : Documentary (International Screen institute Series)Course about documentary on 01/08/2024.

  • A Post Lab : for film or series producers. Application deadline: 31/07/2024.

  • ​​ZFF Academy's: aspiring producers, directors, and screenwriters from around the world are selected to participate in this curated 5-day talent promotion programme. The intensive workshops, set in an intimate environment, allow creative talents to network, share ideas, and discuss working methods with renowned figures from the film industry, all while exploring the Zurich Film Festival. Find out more and apply until 31/07/2024, 23:59 CEST.

  • ZFF Summit Climber is a three-day talent promotion programme for junior sales and distribution executives. The Zurich Film Festival offers eight participants the chance to learn from Hollywood's finest during the prestigious Zurich Summit Conference at The Dolder Grand. These eight selected participants gain a unique opportunity to expand their European and North American film networks while deepening their understanding of transatlantic economic and financing structures. Application deadline: 31/07/2024.

  • ASTRA FILM DOC TANK: five-day training programme that takes places during Astra Film Festival and consists in a preparatory mentoring workshop, a public pitch and individual meetings with international professionals, for 8 documentary projects in development or production. The official language of the program is English. For documentary projects hailing from the following countries: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine. Application deadline: 26/07/2024.

  • Eurodoc: for French-speaking doc producers from France, Belgium and Luxeburg.Application deadline: 21/07/2024.

  • Ties That Bind : coproductions training between Europe & Asia. In Taipei, Taiwan / Udine, Italy. Application deadline: 23/07/2024.​

  • Market ready : Documentary (International Screen institute Series): Application deadline: 22/07/2024. 

  • EURODOC & SERIES MANIA: training for documentary series French-speaking production. Application deadline: 21/07/2024. 

  • Verzió DocLab: Call for doc project. Story development and editing. Application deadline: 31/07/2024.

  • Sustainability Management (International Screen institute Series)Ecology management and controlling in TV and cinema induistry. Application deadline: 14/07/2024. 

  • TFL Next - TV Series 2024, dedicated to 20 TV Series project at an early development stage. The participants will work on their concept alongside peers and an experienced tutor during two online sessions to be held at the beginning of October and November. Application deadline: 07/07/2024. 

  • Climate Spring’s Changing Climate Narratives programme: to support industry professionals in advancing their understanding and practice of climate storytelling. TFL is a partner of the initiative providing a scholarship. Application deadline: 01/07/2024. 

  • Animation Lab DOK LeipzigCEE Animation and DOK Industry team up again for the 2nd edition of Animation Lab DOK Leipzig. This four-day intense workshop is designed for producers who are developing their first animated documentary and are eager to explore the international landscape of the animation industry. The programmme will cover key topics such as project development, production and distribution. Application deadline: 30/06/2024.

  • SMI x Eurodoc : Documentary series production. Application deadline: 30/06/2024.

  • SERIES MAKER: for feature film directors who venture into the world of series created by Series Mania Forum & BETA Group. SERIESMAKERS will select ten teams with an idea for a scripted TV series to participate in a tailor-made training program focused on developing a full pitch deck. Experienced mentors and A-list directors, showrunners, writers, and producers will guide new series creatives in online workshops. At the end of the program, a jury will award a team with a € 50,000 (fifty thousand Euros) award to develop a pilot script and a bible with additional creative support. The award team will be presented at Series Mania Forum 2025. Application deadline: 30/06/2024.

  • Green Film Lab: about sustainability in the film industry, starting from scratch. The participation fee for this workshop is 300€ and it is free of charge for professionals based in Scotland. Application deadline: 28/06/2024

  • CPH:LAB: for doc project development. 9 teams will join a combination of onsite (in Copenhagen) and online workshops and mentoring sessions spanning from September 2024 to March 2025. Deadline: 21/06/2024. 

  • This three-day course gives you the tools you need to improve your legal knowledge, defend your rights as a scriptwriter and negotiate with potential partners. 11-13/06/2024​

  • THE CANADA-FRANCE SERIES LAB: Are you a pair of French and Canadian co-producers developing an audiovisual series together and wishing to be supported in its structuring and presentation to the global market? Application before 14/06/2024.

  • EUREKA SERIES FALL 24 (From September 24  to December 6 2024): A 10-week training course to experience a European writers room and to develop collaborative writing skills! For European emerging series script writers. Application deadline 06/06/2024.
  • ACE Series Producers: for experienced producers to participate in a hands-on workshop on developing and producing TV drama series. Deadline: 04/06/2024. 
  • Cinekid Script LAB:  For kids programmes. Application deadline: 02/06/2024.

  • 2025 (Egg)celerator Lab - Chicken & Egg Pictures: For women who develop a doc project, guidance and $40,000 USD in grant funding for the production of their feature-length fdoc. Apply Here | Deadline: May 22/05/2024.

  • IDFA Project Space NL: six documentary talents will be professionally guided to develop a film plan with accompanying visual material. Deadline: 26/04/2024. 

  • Series Lab Hamburg: for a writer/producer pair with a fictional TV series project in development, who are looking for international partners and industry feedback. Application deadline 8/04/2024. 

  • Serial eyes: training programme for audiovisual professionals wishing to develop several ideas for original television or web series, and with a high level of spoken and written English. Application deadline 8/04/2024. 

  • Cinekid MediaLab submissions: kids programmes. Application deadline:31/03/2024. 

  • SeriesLabTFL long-term programme aimed at developing innovative and marketable international fiction TV series projects. Application deadline: 01/03/2024.

  • SeriesLab Story EditingA SeriesLab spin-off is now on air. It is aimed at training three TV and film professionals from all over the world interested in learning more about the story editing field and gaining insight into the fiction development process, working side by side with the 9 SeriesLab projects of 2024. Application deadline: 01/03/2024.

  • The WRITE RETREAT (8-17/04/2024, Mallorca, Spain): apply from wherever you are to attend this script residency (doc and fiction)! Apply here! Application deadline:  26/02/2024.

  • CIRCLE Women Doc Accelerator: for 10 women and non-binary directors and producers. Through three tailor-made Modules, the participants will have an opportunity to advance their film projects and careers. For feature documentary films in any stage of production (from development to rough cut). Application deadline:  26/02/2024.

  • HerArts Film Lab (Paestum, in the southern Italian region of Campania, April 29-May 5 2024, script development lab for women and non-binary filmmakers, week-long residency. For female filmmakers of all ages, nationalities, ethnicities and stages of career with a narrative feature and TV series projects. Workshop in the company of professional filmmakers from around the world, with the help of experienced mentors: Teresa Cavina (Italy), Helena Medina (UK/Spain) and Eliza Subotowicz (Poland). Application deadline:  20/02/2024.

  • Ex-Oriente Features and Ex Oriente Series + pitching de l'East Doc Forum: workshop for feature length documentary development for filmmakers mainly from Central and Eastern European countries + docu-series. Application deadline: 14/02/2024

  • Sony Future Filmmaker Awards: Free to enter, the Sony Future Filmmaker Awards elevates the original voices that bring a fresh perspective to storytelling. The shortlisted filmmakers are flown to Los Angeles for an exclusive four-day event to gain unparalleled insight into all aspects of the filmmaking process to advance their careers. After a black-tie awards ceremony at the Cary Grant Theatre, the 30 successful filmmakers benefit from a four-day workshop program. Aimed at breakthrough artists and independent filmmakers worldwide, there are six categories: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Environment, Animation, Student and Future Format. Each category awards a winner and a shortlist of up to five. The deadline for entries is 07:00 AM (CT) 15/02/2024. 

  • IDFA Project Space offers first- or second-time documentary filmmakers the tailored experience of project workshopping in addition to organic, longer-term support, all under the guidance of experienced mentors. Application deadline: 15/02/2024. 

  • PUENTES EAVE : EAVE's two week long training programme, targeted to film professionals from Latin America and Europe who wish to strengthen connections between the two regions! Application deadline: 15/02/2024. 

  • Camp 4Science (22/4 – 27/4/2024, Olomouc, Czech Republic): Are you developing a film project with a science topic? Are you looking for a chance to meet experienced international mentors who will guide you through the process? Are you working on a film, series, multimedia, VR, or another format? Application deadline: 31/01/2024.

  • CAMPUS DOCSBARCELONA: Creation laboratory with mentoring and training sessions throughout the year, for non-fiction projects.  Artistic consultancy also possible: One-to-one counselling for 80 minutes with an international expert tutor for projects in the editing stage. Application deadline: 29/01/2024.

  • Dok.Incubator: invites feature length docs editors, directors and producers to an eight-month workshop focused on professional development and offers exclusive access to experienced international tutors. Application deadline : 01/01/2024.

  • PITCH YOUR SERIES IN ENGLISH: Are you a European screenwriter or producer willing to develop your pitching skills in English for a greater impact? Secure your spot to the 3-day training program "Pitch your series in English". Join one of the two sessions, in Paris in January 2024. Applications deadline: 15/12/2023 in Paris.​

  • Eureka Series Spring 2024: For emerging screenwriters from all over Europe willing to experience a writers room. Eureka Series is a 10-week training course during which participants develop collaborative writing skills by experiencing an international writers room environment.  From mid-March to the end of May, selected screenwriters will attend masterclasses and practical workshops, culminating in a final presentation. Application deadline : 12/12/2023.

  • The European Women’s Audiovisual Network (EWA Network) - Netflix Series Accelerator Programme: will bring together women film producers who want to expand their creative range by deepening their knowledge of series production. EWA will curate three industry-led workshops supported by Netflix’s Fund for Creative Equity, offering emerging and mid-career women film producers practical insight and upskilling tailored to the European series production landscape. Participants must have a minimum of one feature film credit in film and apply with a series project in early development. They will also each receive a €5,000 grant to further develop their work. Applicaion deadline on 30/11/2023.

  • WRITERS CAMPUS 2024: Are you a screenwriters with a project in development? Apply for the 2024 Writers Campus organized by Series Mania Institute. Be amongst the 16 screenwriters selected from all around the world to take part in this one-week intensive workshop at the Creative Bazaar. And have a chance to pitch your project to producers from 64 countries at Series Mania Forum in March. Applicaion deadline on 30/11/2023.

  • ACE Animation Special 2024: Animation movie development and production. Applicaion deadline on 28/11/2023.

  • Comedylab (Torino): script development for feature length. Application deadline: 20/11/2023

  • EURODOC: training program comprising 3 one-week sessions to be held in March, June and October 2024. The program is aimed at project owners, producers or directors/producers, as well as professionals in the documentary industry, including executives and editors in TV documentary departments, representatives of film funds or institutions that finance non-fiction films, who wish to acquire expertise in what it means to produce. Application deadline: 20/11/2023.

  • The VdR–Development Lab is conceived as a workshop for the development of projects from Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. It offers the directors and producers the opportunity to be tutored through the development-phase in order to more easily reach and access the international market. Submission Deadline: 31/10/2023.

  • Bridging the Dragon: Over the past eight years, this immersive residential workshop has been proven to be a breeding ground for valuable content and an inspiring think-tank providing bonding opportunities and an in-depth learning experience for film professionals who have a concrete interest in China. While maintaining the core focus on China and Europe, since 2022 a new Asian perspective has been added, with the aim of gradually building a Sino-Euro-Asian network. <> Submission Deadline: 27/10/2023.

  • DEENTAL Series Workshop:  Submission Deadline: 25/10/2023.

  • EURODOC: intensive and selective in-depth training program for documentary producers. When enrolling at a EURODOC program, you also join a robust and active network of more than 1,600 members from 60 countries worldwide. This programme is a yearly intensive program for producers coming from all over the world who have an ambitious creative documentary project at the development stage. The training is residential, organized in 3 in-person one-week sessions (March, June, October) in 3 different European countries. The main objective of the program is to help producers in the artistic and financial development of their project, to improve their know-how in terms of international co-production – thus implementing good practices in the sector –, reinforce the skills independent production requires, and significantly expand their professional network. Application deadline: 20/11/2023.

  • CEE Animation Workshop 2024: The 6th edition of the year-long training programme will consist of 4 modules and will help develop 12 animated projects and enhance the skills of producers and creative teams in the field of animation. The deadline is 30/10/2023.

  • Human rights Film Festival Berlin: online masterclasses on 14 to 18/10/2023.

  • ​​​SERIES MANIA Writers' Campus: Submission Deadline: 11/10/2023.
  • FIFDH IMPACT DAYS: Are you a filmmaker or producer working on a documentary project with a strong potential for impact? Would you like to work with experts to refine your impact strategy, get individually matched with potential partners and win cash prizes to help achieve your impact goals? With the right partners, documentaries have the power to motivate change!  At the FIFDH Impact Days we facilitate meaningful alliances between filmmakers and key players in the vast ecosystem of organisations, policymakers and funders active around International Geneva and beyond.Submission Deadline: 06/10/2023.
  • Bavaria-Quebec training initiative: München invites one Bavaria-based producer/director duo with a documentary film project in development and one experienced Bavaria-based producer (or Bavaria-based production company) interested in co-producing with the Quebec region, to participate in this year's Forum RIDM, November 17-22, 2023, as well as Marketplace, May 1-7, 2024. Deadline 01/10/2023.

  • Black Public Media’s Annual Open Call: Each year, BPM issues an open call for feature-length documentaries and shorts (nonfiction or scripted) that are currently in research and development, pre-production, production or post-production.  All projects should be suitable for public media distribution. The focus of our 2023 Open Call is climate stories. Submit Here | Deadline:  25/09/2023.

  • EURODOC is thrilled to partner with DGCINE and travels to the Dominican Republic, hosted at the Cinemateca Dominicana. The workshop is devoted to producers from the region, currently developing a documentary project (cinema/television/platform), and eager to upscale their expertise in artistic development, production & coproduction techniques and strategy, and of course international fundraising, with a focus on how to navigate Caribbean, European, American and national funds, and articulate them. Application deadline : 24/09/2023.​

  • Grierson DocLab In Focus: Production Management Programme - The Grierson Trust in partnership with NetflixApplication deadline: 22/09/2023.

  • SERIES WOMEN: The objectives of this programme for women producers in the European series industry are to increase the visibility of women producers and their projects, to support them in building a professional network and to fight against their under-representation in the industry. Applications until 18/09/2023.

  • Production Grants Documentary Africa. Apply Here | Deadline: September 18/09/2023.
  • Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained: Getting Started (with producing your doc): Registration International Documentary Association (213) 232-1660 It takes place on 13/09/2023.​

  • The New Talent Mentorship Scheme is for emerging professionals working in film, high-end television, or animation, from backgrounds currently unrepresented in the industry. This scheme is funded by The William Grant Foundation. To apply, please complete our application form here. Applications deadline: at 12 noon on 14/09/2023.

  • Drama Series Co-Writing Residency Israël-France: 2 webinars will be organized. The first one will take place on June 13th at 11:00 am for the residency presentation. The second webinar will take place on July 6th for a "Pitch & Match" session exclusively targeted for scriptwriters. Join our Facebook page dedicated to exchanges and set your own duo. Application until 12/09/2023, 5:00 pm (CET).

  • Tackle & PitchA brand-new initiative by ATF & the leading programme for Asian-European co-productions, TIES THAT BIND (TTB), will bring producers with projects from Asia & Europe together—in the classroom (Lab) & on stage (Pitch). With a key focus on (young) adult animation*, explore NEW financing & co-production opportunities, NEW markets, & NEW audiences in both continents @ ATF x TTB Animation Lab & Pitch 2023! Application deadline: 08/09/2023.

  • The Impact Lab Climate Story Lab Lagos. Apply Here | Deadline: September 8/9/2023.

  • 2023 Commitment Grants and Emerging Filmmaker Fellowship: Mountainfilm is committed to supporting documentary filmmakers in telling stories to inspire audiences to create a better world. We seek non-fiction stories celebrating adventure, activism, social justice, culture, environment and indomitable spirit. Mountianfilm promotes and encourages diversity behind the camera. The Commitment Grants are focused on supporting documentary filmmakers in the production or post-production stages. Mountainfilm promotes and encourages diversity behind the camera. We welcome applicants from any country. Awards will range from $1,000 to $5,000. Application deadline: 05/09/2023.

  • The Berlinale's talent development programme: for the world's 200 best emerging filmmakers, returns for a week of discussions, workshops and focus groups from 17 to 22 February 2024. A call for entries is open to film professionals, series and XR content creators with at least two short films or formats, one feature film or one high-quality series to their credit that have been officially invited to festivals, released in cinemas or broadcast on streaming platforms. application deadline on 04/09/2023

  • EWA: career enhancement programme for women producers. Application deadline: 03/09/2023.

  • Green Film Lab at MIA (Rome, Italy) : application deadline on 04/09/2023.

  • Audiovisual Women: programme for professional women in middle to senior management positions working in the value chain of the European audiovisual industry, offering an interdisciplinary approach to training and professional development. The programme will run from October 2023 to March 2024, focusing on topics such as (digital) leadership and entrepreneurship, innovation and change management in a modern world, as well as communication, motivation and conflict management. Application deadline on 04/09/2023

  • Inspiration Forum Lab: for artists and scientists. Ji.hlava’s interdisciplinary research programme which this year asks how water can guide us in the search for solutions to pressing ecological problems through its ability to connect the human scale with all other scales of life. Theoretical lectures and workshops with experts from artistic and non-artistic disciplines will take place at the Ji.hlava IDFF, the Kersnikova Institute in Slovenia and during Sensorium in Bratislava between October 2023 and June 2024. You can find more information here. Deadline for applications is 4/09/2023.

  • III Incubateur MIRADASAFRO (online on 25/09 & 6/10/2023): Documentary development training for Caribean and Black African filmmakers. Application deadline: 25/08/2023.

  • Thessaloniki Locarno Industry Academy: Are you a young film professional looking to take the next step and boost your int'l sales career? Thessaloniki Locarno Industry Academy is the place to be! Thessaloniki Locarno Industry Academy is a joint initiative of the Thessaloniki IFF and the Locarno Film Festival! Thessaloniki Locarno Industry Academy is a tailor-made training program for young professionals working in international sales, marketing, traditional and online distribution, exhibition and film programming. It offers the chance to develop new skills, boost your network and explore  new opportunities in the framework of an international market! Application deadline: 11/08/2023.

  • IDFAcademy (during IDFA): intensive four-day program of knowledge-exchange and inspiration for selected doc filmmakers during the festival. Deadline: 01/08/2023.

  • The Democracy Story Lab (Doc society) is designed to explore a core question: what are the stories which can help us understand how we might govern ourselves? Join us in a new intervention bringing brilliant storytellers together with top thought leaders to pave the way for fresh futures: application by 24/07/2023.

  • ZFF Academy : for twenty emerging producers, directors and screenwriters from around the world. The tailor-made programme offers participants a bespoke experience, including special masterclasses where they have the opportunity to interact with and learn from internationally acclaimed filmmakers and guests. The five-day programme provides a fertile ground for artistic development, offers a platform for international networking and serves as a launching pad for future collabroations among participants - true to its motte: Explore! Connect! Collaborate! Application deadline: 24/07/2023, 10am CEST.​

  • Workshop for French-speaking producers from Région Hauts-de-France (France), Belgium, Switzerland and  Luxembourg. It will be held in Compiègne, France from October 2 to 6, 2023. Open to French-speaking producers with a documentary doc project in development. Application deadline: 23/07/2023.

  • TFL Next - TV Seriesfor a TV Series project at an early development stage.✎ Join this concept-based digital workshop that will be held in September and October and work with fellow directors, producers or scriptwriters. DEADLINE: 30/06/2023.

  • VII Mentor Program will last one year with an assessment at six months. During this time, mentees will have weekly scheduled contact with the program leader (VII Academy Director Ziyah Gafic) and will be integrated into a structured professional learning environment with monthly expert sessions exploring critical topics like ethics, business practice, grant writing, branding, design fundamentals, story pitching, entrepreneurship, legalities, hostile environment awareness training and more. Mentees will work with editors, curators, and other media professionals, and be assigned to a practicing member of the VII ecosystem who will provide professional guidance and mentoring. Redux will represent the mentees’ work for the duration of the program; mentees will also be eligible for eventual commissions through The VII Foundation. Please click here to apply through Awardforce through June 27/06/2023 at 11:59 PM EST.

  • Series Mania Institute: 10-week training course, which will take place from September to December 2023, is dedicated to emerging European TV series writers who want to develop their skills and knowledge of collaborative writing by experiencing the writers' room. Application deadline: 15/06/2023.

  • Doklab Navarra: residency to help documentary filmmakers reach the international market. The first face-to-face phase will be held from the 4th to the 17th of September. Application deadline: 15/06/2023.

  • Eureka Series Fall 2023 is an intensive 10-week training course for emerging series writers and creative producers from all over Europe. The  call for applications for the Eureka Series Fall 2023 edition is open until 15/06/2023.

  • SERIESMAKERS: Ten teams made of one director and one producer or one screenwriter will be selected on a pre-bible to take part in two online workshops with A-list speakers such as Lisa Joy (Westworld) and Chris Brancato (Narcos). Two projects will each be awarded a €50,000 Beta Development Award. An addition award of €20,000, courtesy of the Kirch Foundation in collaboration with HFF will be given to a third project. Application until 15/06/2023 at 5pm (CET).

  • The AuthenticA Series Lab Realness Institute: Apply Here | Deadline: 14/06/2023.

  • ACE Series Special: workshop for experienced producers who want to integrate a series division into their company and/or deepen their knowledge of the development and production of dramatic television series for an international audience. The workshop focuses on creative and financial aspects. It will be held in Riga, Latvia, from 30 October to 4 November. Other sessions will be organised online. A partnership with Series Mania is in place. Application deadline: 6/06/2023.

  • ScriptLAB programme: submit your film or series project in development to this script training programme for writers taking place during Cinekid for Professionals in October, and the Berlinale the following February 2024. It includes tailor-made coaching and training to answer the writer’s specific needs, along a six month trajectory. Find out more and apply here. Deadline on 4/06/2023.

  • Chicken & Egg Eggcelerator Lab: focused on identifying and supporting nonfiction female directors working on their first- or second feature-length documentary. This program brings together ten projects, with a special focus on self-identifying women and non-binary directors. More info here.The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, 31/05/2023, at 12:00 PM ET.​
  • L'Atelier Ludwigsburg-Paris: A one-year programme for future producers and distributors up to the age of 30. It offers them in-depth training in a European context. The programme includes visits to television stations, participation in film festivals and a one-month internship in an international sales or distribution company. Application deadline: 31/05/2023

  • The Springboard program aims to initiate young people who wish to work in series. It will take place in Lille from October to April. The call for applications for the first full year of this initiative is open until 31/05/2023.

  • The Jackson Wild Media Lab (JWML) (19-29/09/2923, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming): immersive, cross-disciplinary science filmmaking workshop that brings scientists and media creators together to learn from leaders in the profession and work together to develop effective tools to communicate about science, nature and conservation with diverse audiences across the world’s evolving media platforms. Media Lab fellows will work side-by-side with instructors and industry-leading mentors to gain intensive hands-on film making experience, learn the science of science communication, get a crash course using professional-grade tools and equipment, and expand professional networks with peers and industry professionals. This highly competitive program covers all expenses associated with travel, food and lodging during the workshop and the 2023 Jackson Wild Summit. Applicants must be from Canada, Caribbean, Mexico, and USA. Deadline on 5/06/2023.

  • Climate Story Lab Nordic: Climate communication is more critical than ever before: we need the best storytelling to reach its full potential and hit the audiences that matter! The first Nordic Climate Story Lab (CSL) was launched at this year's CPH:DOX in Copenhagen, and right now you can submit your projectThe Climate Story Lab Nordic 2023 vision is to connect a selection of powerful creative narratives that address climate change and climate justice while exploring impact strategies with key allies, strategists, representatives, organisational partners and funders.The first part of the lab will take place in the Autumn 2023 and culminate at CPH:DOX 2024Submission deadline is May 15/05/2023. 

  • Serial Eyes, a European training program for television scriptwriters, has opened a call for applications for its 2023-2024 edition. This 9-month full-time program runs from September 2023 to May 2024 in Berlin and trains young European screenwriters to work in a writers' room. This call is open to European screenwriters with 1 to 3 years of professional experience, who have written at least one episode of a drama or comedy series for a TV channel in their country. Application deadline: 8/05/2023

  • ACE Producers invites experienced producers to apply for the 33rd ACE Annual Programme to become part of a European network of recognised producers. Membership in the ACE network is achieved through participation in the annual training program and is based on professionalism, mutual trust, collaboration and forward thinking. Applications will be evaluated primarily on the basis of the producer's background and motivation, the strength of the project and its potential for co-production and collaboration. Application deadline: 2/05/2023

  • Summer School in Cinema Human Rights and Advocacy: training initiative jointly developed by Global Campus of Human Rights and Picture People, will take place in Venice from August 28 to September 6. The 10-day program is designed for participants who want to deepen their understanding of the links between human rights, film, digital media and video advocacy, and learn how to use film as a tool for social change. It encourages inclusivity, original and critical thinking, and proposes to hone skills and unleash creativity. It also provides networking opportunities with human rights experts and film industry professionals. Application deadline: 30/04/2023

  • GREEN FILM LAB makes a stop in Warsaw (Poland) between the 15th and 18th of June. Applications from professionals who live in Poland and the nearby region are especially welcomed. DEADLINE: 28th April 2023.

  • Docs Barcelona: rough cut artistic free consultancy. Deadline by 27/04/2023
  • CANADA-FRANCE SERIES LAB: for pairs of French and Canadian producers who are developing an TV series together and wish to be supported in its structuring and presentation to the global market. On the agenda: Banff World Media Festival (June 11-14), online mentoring (from September to March) and pitching session at the Series Mania Forum 2024.Applications until 21/04/2023.
  • ​​Sustainability Management program at the International Screen Institute: tools and methods to manage a business or project in a more sustainable way. It offers a multidimensional approach that includes economic, ecological, cultural and social perspectives. It covers a wide range of topics such as corporate sustainability, data warehousing and improving creativity and innovation. This intensive program consists of a 5-day workshop in Vienna in June 2023 and an online module in November 2024. It is aimed at film and TV professionals who want to learn more about how to run a business and/or projects in a sustainable way, as well as at people who are considering a role as a coordinator or a green and/or sustainability manager. Application deadline: 21/04/2023.

  • Eurodoc Workshop for producers based in Poland: Open to producers with a documentary film project in development, based in Poland. Deadline by 16/04/2023

  • Summer Documentary Labs: UnionDocs. APPLY HERE | Final Deadline: 14/04/2023

  • Workshops MFI Script 2 Film: Mediterranean Film Institute's script project development training program in 2 residential sessions, on the islands of Nisyros and Rhodes in Greece, and 2 online sessions, between June 2023 and September 2024. A follow-up period, from 12 to 24 months after the end of the program, allows participants to have access to partner market events and to present their work to the program partners. Deadline: 10/04/2023.

  • European Showrunner Programme: to establish the position of showrunner in Europe and is distinctive in its content and scope. It consists of a part-time training and mentoring program designed for experienced European series writers, offering a comprehensive overview and key skills for showrunners in Europe. It also features a series of industry panels providing a platform for exchange and discussion to develop, define and ultimately establish the showrunner's approach in Europe. Application deadline: 03/04/2023

  • EURODOC MED (8-12/05/2023, Ajaccio, France): developpement doc project workshop in French for producers and directors-producers based in Mediterranean countries (South of Europe and MENA countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea)Application deadline: 02/04/2023.

  • The SeriesLab - Talents: to identify and train emerging talent in the field of drama writing, to give them the chance to experience working in a real writers' room, and to allow them to network with other international writers. The program offers participants an intensive 5-month training and a final presentation in one of the major European markets. The main objective of TFL SeriesLab - Talents is to increase the diversity of the European scriptwriting pool and to find new talent to commit to careers in series. Application deadline: 31/03/2023​

  • SeriesLab looks for 9 TV Series projects from all over the world. Bring your story - at an early stage of development - to this 5-month programme lasting from September to early 2024. Your project may also get a development grant of € 10,000. Producers can apply until 31/03/2023.
  • EMERGING PRODUCERS 2024: Ji.hlava IDFF seeks talented European documentary film producers, to provide them with educational, networking, and promotional support. Guest Country of Emerging Producers 2024: Philippines (in cooperation with Film Development Council of the Philippines). Producers can apply until 31/03/2023. 
  • One World Media: free online course, International Reporting: The Essential Toolkit which covers the fundamentals of good storytelling and reporting:
    • Year-long, remote programme of support

    • £1000 production grant
    • Executive producer for your project
    • One-to-one career mentorship
    • Industry workshops + webinars
    • For journalists and filmmakers ready to take the next leap in their career reporting from the global south.
    • Anyone from all around the world. We particularly encourage submissions from underrepresented groups (people of colour, ethnic groups, women, LGBTQ+, or people with disabilities).
    • Creative and engaging non-fiction stories from low- and middle-income countries across the global south.
    • Proposals for a short documentary film, print, audio or multimedia piece.
    • Projects that can be delivered in one year.
    • Projects that highlight the voices of people who are not often heard.
    • Application until 22/03/2023.
  • Sharon Dunwoody Science Journalism Mentoring Program: The mentoring period is May 3, 2023—February 3, 2024. There is no cost to participate. Application deadline : 17/03/2023.

  • ethnocineca FILMWERKSTATT (From 26 April to 7 May 2023, Vienna, Austria): for film enthusiasts, opportunity to realise their own project in a twelve-day workshop. For four days, international filmmakers and social scientists will give creative and practical input during lectures and exercises. In the remaining 7 days, participants will make their own short documentaries in small groups. Finished works will then be presented, discussed and celebrated on one evening during the ethnocineca festival at the Votiv Kino. Application until 14/03/2023. 

  • ACE Leadership Special: for experienced producers looking to build a strong business foundation and develop their personal leadership and entrepreneurial skills. This program helps producers harness their abilities and skills, increasing their confidence to effectively run their production companies and teams, and become "change leaders". This year's program will take place over two 4-day residential workshops, complemented by online sessions. The first workshop will take place from June 18 to 21 in Italy, the second will be held from September 17 to 20 in the Netherlands. Application deadline: 6/03/2023
  • Episodic Program - Sundance - APPLY HERE | Deadline: 8/03/2023

  • FILMWERKSTATT (April 26th to May 7th 2023, Venue: Creative Cluster, Viktor-Christ-Gasse 10, 1050 Wien, Austria): it will take place as part of the 17th edition of ethnocineca, Austria's largest documentary film festival (May 4th to 11th 2023). Together with international filmmakers and visual anthropologists we will explore the genre from April 26th until May 7th 2023. The results are five- to ten-minute long documentary films that will celebrate their cinema premieres during the festival on May 10th. Apply with your idea for this year’s topic Experiences of change. The main course language is German. Fee: 210 euros per person. Application deadline: 5/03/2023.
  • Propelle: A Female-Focused Accelerator Program, Realscreen. APPLY HERE | Deadline: 3/03/2023

  • Originarios Lab (3/1): virtual lab during the next Latin American Film Festival in Original Languages. Learn more here. For Latin American producers based in Latin America - who currently have a short film or feature film project in development of documentary, fiction, experimental or animation in any language. del The Originarios Lab will be held virtually from March 14 to 18, 2023. Find the basics here: The call is due on March 1/03/2023.​

  • ​IDFA Project Space 2023 SUBMIT HERE | Deadline: 24/02/2023

  • Circle Women Doc Accelerator: 10 participants with creative documentary projects at any stage of production will be selected. They will have the opportunity to develop their films with experts in the field of documentary, expand their professional and personal networks and position their projects on the European and international documentary scene. CIRCLE 2023 includes 3 sessions in 3 different countries, each session focusing on a key aspect of project development. Application deadline: 24/02/2023.
  • 2023 Documentary Film Producers Track, Sundance Institute Deadline: February 15 2023 APPLY HERE

  • EAVE PUENTES: training program for the development of Europe-Latin America co-productions. This program is aimed at Latin American and European film professionals interested in developing links between Europe and Latin America. The selected group of applicants will be composed of 10 producers focusing on the development of fiction films, and 4 to 5 European film professionals or producers focusing on their career development.

  • ESoDoc: training course for media professionals who want to improve their storytelling and co-creation skills in order to expand the potential of their documentary and new media projects to reach a wider market. This 8-month programme is aimed at creative writers, directors and producers, journalists, programmers, communication officers, engaged in social, political, environmental and human rights issues, open to and willing to engage with and experiment with new documentary formats, business models and co-creative production. Application deadline: 10/02/2023

  • The Hot House - a development lab for scripted long-form TV and feature film projects about climate change. Climate Spring in partnership with BFI NETWORK and the BBC Writersroom

  • APPLY HERE | Deadline: 31/01/2022.​​

  • dok.incubator: for ambitious feature-length documentaries in the rough cut stage to participate in an eight-month 2023 program. Submit your film and work with world-class editing tutors, get personal feedback on your rough cut from key decision makers, and develop your unique marketing and distribution strategy! Application deadline: January 26/01/2023.​

  • Green Film Lab (Dublin, Ireland): Three days to discuss sustainable audiovisual production with the support of experienced International tutors.The call targets creative teams with a project, sustainability managers and production professionals. DEADLINE: 20/01/2023 ✎

  • ida workshop online on 07/01/2023 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM CET: How to run a festival strategy for a documentary with and without a sales company. JOIN THE EVENT HERE!

  • dok.incubator: for ambitious feature-length documentaries in the rough cut stage to participate in an eight-month 2023 program. Submit your film and work with world-class editing tutors, get personal feedback on your rough cut from key decision makers, and develop your unique marketing and distribution strategy! Deadline: 26/01/2023

  • MIDPOINT Series Launch: a training course open to creative teams of emerging professionals mainly from Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, the Baltic States and the wider Mediterranean region. The programme focuses on screenwriting and allows participants to discover funding opportunities. Application deadline: 8/01/2023

  • CANADA-FRANCE SERIES LAB: Are you a French or Canadian producer with a series project in progress? Discover the Canada-France Series Lab, a joint venture between Telefilm Canada,  CNC, Series Mania Forum and BANFF World Media Festival, to create new co-production opportunities and foster the development of projects with strong international potential. Application by 6/01/2023.  ​

  • The Animation Workshop organizes "3D Character Animation", a 14-week professional training course on 3D character animation, from concept to completion, through a series of lectures, renderings and mini productions. This course is designed for animators, animation directors, illustrators, designers, storyboard artists, architects... who wish to learn 3D character animation. Selected candidates will also be encouraged and supported to participate in the Annecy International Animation Film Festival in June 2023. 

  • Application deadline: 05/01/2023

  • The Development Executive Traineeship (DET) - Africa and the diaspora Realness Institute in partnership with Netflix Deadline: December 22 2022 APPLY HERE

  • Episodic Lab - Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa, Realness Institute in partnership with Netflix

  • Deadline: December 22 2022, APPLY HERE

  • Writers Campus and DEENTAL Series Workshop: two intensive programs of workshops and masterclasses led by industry mentors, and pitch of your project to producers from over 64 countries. Application by 20/12/2022.

  • Documentary Campus Masterschool

  • INCLUSIVE & SOCIALLY CONSCIOUS FILMMAKING LAB: 6 sessions: Thursdays, November 10-December 29 (no session Nov. 24 & Dec. 22), 7-9pm. The FilmNorth Inclusive and Socially Conscious Filmmaking Lab is a free virtual six-week course designed to help filmmakers in any stage of their career practice greater inclusive and socially responsible filmmaking and become leaders of change in our field. ​

  • NRDC Climate Storytelling Fellowship (The Black List, NRDC, The Redford Center, and The CAA Foundation).​

  • Directors LAB: kids project 
  • EURODOC: doc project development workshop for producers or directors. 
  • Documentary Campus Masterschool: training program and networking platform dedicated to the development of documentary content for an international audience. This 10-month program connects European media professionals with key players in the international industry and helps them develop, finance and market their content for broadcast, whether on the traditional television market or on digital platforms. 15 European projects in development will be selected. 
  • East Doc Interactive (Prague, Czech Republic, 24-30/03/2023): A three day-long workshop with consultations and networking opportunities for documentary projects with VR and interactive elements in development or in production. ​

  • East Doc Series (Prague, Czech Republic, 24-30/03/2023): A part of the East Doc Forum, a three day-long pitch training and consultations, with pitch and networking opportunities for documentary series projects in development or in production. ​
  • Ji.hlava Academy (October 25-29/2022): creative lab for those dedicated to make, reflect upon or share contemporary films. Film shootings will be accompanied by lectures, discussions and talks focusing on the creative process of filmmaking – all under the guidance of experienced and unorthodox tutors.​
  • Cultural Documentary Filmmaking Mentorship Program (ALL EXPENSES PAID): Spend 2 weeks making a documentary in the wild and learning about the Hadzabe hunter gatherer and Datoga pastoralist cultures. Create documentary stories about their connection to nature. For African citizens. 
  • CEE Animation Workshop: The call for applications is open. This one-year program, for the development of projects and the improvement of producers' skills in animation, will take place between February and November 2023. It is aimed at professionals from countries participating in the Europe Creative MEDIA program, with a particular focus on producers and projects from countries with low production capacity. The workshop is designed for producers and creative teams with animation projects (short films, TV, XR...) in development. It is also open to a limited number of producers without projects looking to build a long-term strategy for their company. 

  • Getting Real Documentary Film Conference 2022 (Hybrid Event, 27/09/2022): gathering of filmmakers and industry professionals. It provides a space for the field to hold constructive conversations, build lasting relationships, and tackle ethical, sustainability, creative, production and distribution challenges facing our growing community. Produced by the International Documentary Association’s (IDA) since 2014, the biennial conference hosts three days of inspiring keynotes, practical workshops, interest group convenings, dynamic presentations, roundtables, case studies, structured networking and receptions.​

  • Greening the Industry: online conference on 27/09/2022. This seminar will provide audiovisual professionals with useful strategies and tools to make their productions more environmentally friendly. It will also demonstrate that sustainability and economic success are not necessarily mutually exclusive.

  • SERIES' WOMEN by the Erich Pommer Institute: the first international career enhancement programme for women producers of European drama series. This second edition will start at the end of 2022 and will again combine a wide range of elements: producers will participate in training courses covering topics such as visibility, leadership and digital entrepreneurship, and will receive individual mentoring and coaching. Networking opportunities in key European industry markets and direct access to decision-makers and key industry players will complete the programme. Application deadline: 19/09/2022

  • ACE Series Special: is aimed at experienced producers who wish to integrate a series division into their company and/or deepen their knowledge of TV series development and production for an international audience. From 31 October to 5 November in Munich, the 16 to 18 producers selected for the workshop, each with a series in development, will work on the creative and financial aspects of series production.
  • SERIESMAKERS: Initiated by Series Mania Forum & Beta Film, it's a new creative initiative for feature film directors venturing into the world of series. ​

  • Green Film Lab vol. III - SITGES: Together with sustainability experts and supporters, film professionals will dig into green topics, focusing on how to make a film environmentally friendly. The 3rd workshop 2022 will be held in Sitges (Spain) in mid-October. ​
  • The International Screen Institute is organising an intensive online training course on 6-8 October, 13-15 October and 12 December 2022 on aspects of managing a company or project in an environmentally friendly way. The aim is to work towards European certification to help create an industry that respects the environment and the people in it. This course is aimed at film and television professionals who want to learn more about how to manage a company and/or large projects in a sustainable way, as well as those who are considering taking on the role of environmental or sustainable coordinator or controller within their company or project. 

  • ANIMARKT 2022 (5-8/11/2022, Lodz, Poland): CHARACTER ANIMATION or PROJECT DEVELOPMENT for a TV series. 

  • All writers at every level are welcome to apply! Our mission, as always, is to shine a light on writers looking to open new doors. In order to find these unique and original voices, we need to read your work. To that end, we highly encourage all to submit regardless of location. We have our eye on the future of this industry and are genuinely looking to amplify your stories. All general meetings with executives are online. Fast Track Week: Nov. 7-11, 2022. The ISA's VP of Development Felicity Wren will guide the two fellows through a week of eight meetings with the mentoring agents, managers and producers. The week is capped off with the ISA's Virtual Pitch Panel, where the fellows will be spotlighted and have the opportunity to pitch to another panel of industry execs. 

  • Sundance Film Producing: How to Develop, Finance & Distribute Your Film
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop: application​​​
  • EAVE Producers Workshopa one-year programme of 3 intensive weeks of professional development, working on the development of fiction, documentary and TV series projects. Between March and October 2023, 50 European producers working in the film and television industry, wishing to expand their activities internationally by improving their knowledge of production and co-production in Europe, will have the opportunity to develop their projects, businesses and careers. ​

  • ​IDFAcademy during IDFA: this intensive, four-day workshop caters to emerging documentary directors and producers who have proven their talent on a national scale and are ready to expand their careers internationally. 

  • EURODOC: training workshop for French-speaking producers from the Hauts-de-France region, Belgium and Luxembourg, from 3 to 7 October in Compiègne. This intensive workshop on documentary project development offers participants the opportunity to enrich their skills in international co-productions and to expand their network through project-based group work, networking activities and time for sharing experiences with the participants of the international group of the annual programme. ​

  • European Writers’ Club (EWC): a new pilot programme, supported by the European Union to spark and facilitate collaboration between European creators, writers, broadcasters and producers of tv-series to boost creativity and originality and tell stories that transcend to a larger European audience across borders. The applications for the first session "Boosting Ideas", targeting 10 experienced creators/writers, are open and the selected writers will receive a grant of 8,000 euros for their participation. 

  • ZFF Summit Climber training programme in partnership with International Screen Institute (23-26/09/2022, Zurich Summit). 

  • EAVE CHANGE Co-production Course
  • IDFA DocLab Forum: application with documentary project.

  • ISA fast track fellowship (international screenwriters' association): seven genre top selections will receive $500 cash each, be evaluated for acceptance onto the isa development slate and go on to be considered for the two fast track fellowships: 
    • SUSPENSE (Mystery, Crime, Horror, Thriller)
    • COMEDY
    • DRAMA
  • NEWF Producers Lab (Start Date: 1 August 2022): for emerging and early career visual storytellers and scientists to be awarded funding to produce a non-fiction/documentary short film or series in the natural history and/conservation genre. Fellows are mentored by industry professionals, attend hybrid workshops and are guided through the process of filmmaking from research to final delivery. The program is a year long residency that focuses on all aspects of the filmmaking ecosystem and developing the producers skillset.

    • Kickstarter applications are open to all African citizens as per the submission guidlines (but excludes NEWF Fellows that have previously participated in the N.E.W Pitch Fellowship).
    • Next Chapter applications are only open to previous N.E.W Pitch Winners who have produced and completed a film through the N.E.W Pitch Fellowship.
  • Scenario masterclass: in German for movie, documentary, series. ​
  • CPH:LAB (09/2022-03/2023): for doc projects at the intersection of art, science and society, by artists keen to explore new forms of expression in factual storytelling. 
  • Jackson Wild Media Lab (Neusiedler See - Seewinkel National park, Burgenland, Austria, 20-30/09/2022): immersive science filmmaking workshop that brings scientists and creators together to learn from leaders in the profession and work together to develop effective tools to communicate about science, nature and conservation. Media Lab fellows will work with instructors and mentors to gain hands-on filmmaking experience with professional equipment, learn the science of science communication, and expand their networks with peers and industry professionals. This program will cover all expenses associated with travel, food and lodging during the workshop and the Jackson Wild Summit. 
  • Green Lab: how to produce in a sustainable way! For European teams developing a feature film, film production professionals and green managers. Join the second workshop of 2022 in Palma de Mallorca (Spain) next July! 
  • Atelier Ludwigsburg-Paris: a one-year program for future producers and distributors up to the age of 30. From the Filmakademie in Ludwigsburg to the Fémis in Paris, via the NFTS in London, the training year is divided into periods of theory and practical application. This includes visits to television stations, participation in film festivals and a one-month internship in a distribution or international sales company. The Ludwigsburg-Paris workshop is open to young Europeans, but also to international candidates. 

  • Cinekid Script LAB: a 6-month script training program for screenwriters with a project for a children's film or series. The program offers customized coaching and training, and responds to the specific needs of the writer and the story. 

  • DocsBarcelona online artistic consultancy on documentary rough cut.

  • Serial Eyes: for experienced TV script-writers, full time during 9 month. 

  • 2022 Rough Cut Retreat: mentoring programme to help move films from rough cut to fine cut.​

  • INTER-INSULAR WORKSHOP - SPAIN & MEDITERRANEAN ISLANDS (May 30 - June 4 , 2022, Palma de Mallorca, Spain): In parallel and in connexion with the 2nd session of EURODOC22 yearly training, a group of 10/12 participants, producers or directors-producers from the Balearic and Canary Islands, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Azores and Malta will have the possibility to attend an intensive 5-day workshop focusing on documentary project development. Producers from other regions of Spain are also welcome to apply! For producers or filmmakers-producers from Mallorca and the Spanish islands, Corsica (France), Sardinia and Sicily (Italy) , Portuguese Islands and Malta will have priority; producers from other regions of Spain can also apply. This workshop is a unique opportunity to get a deeper insight into international co-productions and to create new connections with international documentary professionals. ​

  • EVIA FILM PROJECT IN PROGRESS (Greece): development programme for:
    • Feature-length fiction / documentary / new media / animation film projects from all over the world.
    • About ecologicy sustainability.
    • in the development stage or the editing / post-production stage.​
  • ACE Leadership Special:
  • Series Lab Hamburg (14-16/06/2022): a project development, co-production and financing workshop for European series will bring together 20 European producers and scriptwriters developing a fictional TV series in search of international partners. The participants will be accompanied by international scriptwriting experts and will meet potential European financial partners. If you are interested, please contact Céline Lanfranco: 

  • European Showrunner Training (06-11/2022): a 6-month training and mentoring program designed to provide experienced European series writers with the opportunity to develop the skills necessary to assume the role of showrunner. Through online and residential seminars in Cologne, as well as individual mentoring, the program helps each participant become a successful showrunner in Europe. Application closed.

  • EMERGING PRODUCERS (October 24–28, 2022 (Jihlava) and in February 2023 (Berlin)): training and promotion of talented European documentary film producers. Application closed.

  • Green Film lab: to produce films in a sustainable way. Applications closed.

  • Green Film Labto train European professionals on green practices. The call targets: teams developing a fiction or documentary feature film, film production professionals and green managers. 24 participants will join the first workshop in Trento (Italy) between April and May.​

  • IDFA Project Space: annual talent development program offers first- or second-time documentary directors the opportunity to work on their project with filmmakers and film professionals from June to September, with two online modules and one in-person week in Amsterdam. ​

  • TFL Next TV Series: for international professionals to develop their own original and ambitious TV Series projects. For 20 projects at an early development stage. The workshop is concept-based and will be held online in May and June 2022. ✎​

  • Breaking Through The Lens BTTL PITCH: for female and non-binary directors with a feature film or documentary project in late-stage development. Ten successful applicants will have the opportunity to pitch in front of leading investors, distributors and sales agents at Cannes and Toronto Film Festivals. For narrative and documentary projects from around the world. There is no restriction in terms of location or genre, but the project must have:

    • Strong, finished script (or detailed beat sheet in the case of Documentaries)
    • A Producer who has completed at least one feature-film.
    • A visual treatment, which communicates the Director's vision.
    • A top-sheet budget and finance plan (should you be shortlisted)
    • This is about finding films with strong artistic merit, that are already in a position to receive finance and go into production within the next 12 months.
  • EKRAN+: international training programme for directors and scriptwriters to develop scripts and produce scenes for each project under the guidance of renowned filmmakers. Each project is represented by a creative team consisting of a director (or writer-director), a writer (or co-writer), a director of photography and a producer. Based on teamwork, the programme includes script processing and/or development, shooting preparation (casting, storyboarding and individual consultations with tutors), shooting, editing and an evaluation of the scenes produced by the group and the tutors. It consists of 3 sessions, which will take place between April and September 2022.​

  • EURODOC INTER-INSULAR WORKSHOP: Doc project development and financing.  
  • EAVE Puentes: course for the development of co-productions between Europe and Latin America, aimed at Latin American and European film professionals. Will be selected to participate: 10 producers, and 4/5 European film professionals (sales agents, financiers, distributors, festival programmers, co-production market representatives). The first workshop will take place from July 11 to 15 in Italy. The second workshop will be held in Uruguay in November or December. 

  • INTER-INSULAR WORKSHOP EURODOC (Ajaccio, France, 21-25/03/2022): a group of 12 participants will have an intensive 5-day workshop focusing on documentary project development to get a deeper insight into international co-productions and to create new connections with international documentary professionals. For producers and/or filmmakers (solo or duo) from Corsica (France), Mallorca (Spain), Sardinia and Sicily (Italy) & Portuguese Islands. 

  • CIRCLE Women Doc Accelerator: for up to 10 women filmmakers (directors or producers) with a strong documentary project who are seeking support to upgrade their professional skills and develop their films with the leading experts. 3 tailor made sessions in 3 different countries. Applications closed.​​
  • The Grierson Trust’s 2022 Grierson DocLab training scheme is a great opportunity for 18-25yr olds to take their first steps in docs/TV. 12 trainees will get intensive training, paid work placements, a mentor match & more. Application closed.

  • ESoDoc - European Social Documentary is a training course for film professionals engaged in social, political, environmental and human rights issues, willing to experiment with new documentary formats, business models and co-creative production. Application closed.​

  • EWA Network’s Mentoring Scheme is an exclusive programme specifically aimed at women producers who wish to evolve further to an international dimension. A career enhancement programme for 16 female producers. Since 2018, the scheme has allowed mentees to upgrade the core skills and competencies needed in their profession such as financing, negotiating, management and business development. Applications closed.
  • CAMP4science: science documentary to be developed with mentors. Application closed.​
  • SeriesLab - Talents aims at scouting and training the best emerging talents in new drama writing, to give them the chance to experience the work in a real writers’ room. It will unfold in 6 months, ending with a presentation in one of the main European TV markets in 2023. Application closed.​

  • PREMIER JETA one-day workshop on two documentary films in the process of being written, where invited professionals give constructive feedback and help the young authors to clarify their intentions. Application closed.​

  • dok.incubator workshop 20226 months of intensive editing, distribution, and marketing strategy planning. For editors, directors, and producers. Submissions closed.
  • SERIESLAB follows the entire process of creation of a TV series concept, offering the support of highly qualified tutors and story editors in generating ideas and structuring the material, up to a final presentation in front of a selection of the major key players of the international TV industry at MIA Market. The call is open to professional European scriptwriters, directors and producers that are working on a TV series project at an early development stage. Applications closed.
  • L'IMPACT LAB (17-21/01/2021, Biarritz, France): tutoring to learn how to plan and run a campaign to inscrease the social impact of your doc. Submission closed.​

  • Documentary Campus Masterschool: European training programme for documentary development and financing. Submission closed.

  • focal Production Value (8-16/01/2022, Retz, Austria): workshop dedicated to the programming and budgeting of feature films and series with budgets ranging from 3 to over 15 million euros. It focuses on the skills needed to plan and budget ambitious and complex projects with an emphasis on understanding the different working conditions in Europe. It also encourages collaboration and creative partnership between assistant directors and line producers and their producer and director counterparts. Applications closed.

  • Hot Docs & Netflix's global initiative: Hot Docs and Netflix are looking to discover the next generation of filmmakers through their funniest non-fiction tales. It’s Funny Because It’s True is open to anyone in the world with a demonstrated commitment to filmmaking. Applications closed.

  • New Perspectives Pitch Lab: a 12 month initiative empowering nonfiction storytellers to pursue and build support for the stories they seek to tell for social impact project in development or production, with wide consideration given to projects across observational or character-driven stories, hybrid and essay films, podcasts, and series for television or online.

  • ​​Kids Kino Lab: international script development for scriptwriters and producers interested in developing films or series (fiction, animation or documentary) for children and young people, from a short synopsis to the first draft of the script as well as the basis for production (estimated budget, financing and promotion plan). 4 five-day workshops (Poland, Czech Republic and Belgium) and 3 online sessions with tutors, spread between January and September 2022. Applications closed.
  • EAVE Producers Workshop 2022: for fiction, documentary and TV series producers in Europe. Application until 31/08/2021.
  • ACE 31: training programme for kids film experienced producers. Submission closed.

  • Cinekid Script LAB (10/2021 at Cinekid and Berlinale 22): children's project submission closed. Script-writing training for authors.

  • European VOD Meetings, Palma de Majorque, Baléares, (28-30/07/2021): submission closed.

  • IDFAcademy during IDFA: Accreditation closed.

  • EAVE Producers Workshop 2022: submission closed.

  • TFL Next - Audience Design 2021: closed submission for international film professionals interested in gaining hands-on experience in the creation of innovative audience engagement strategies for film projects in the development or pre-production stage.

  • Development programme CPH:LAB: call for projects for the 2021/2022 reflecting the desire for social & environmental transformations closed.

  • ACE SERIES SPECIAL (6–11/12/2021, Brussels, Belgium, with sessions online before and after): workshop for experienced producers who want to produce TV drama series for an international audience. Application closed.

  • Astra Film Lab (6-12/09/2021, Sibiu, Romania): doc project submission closed.

  • NEXT WAVE 2021: a 9-month professional training programme focused on 21st-century film market.

  • EAVE+ offers 15 producers the opportunity to discuss their company structures and management practices together with high-profile industry experts during 4 days to tackle the business side of running a film company.


  • French data base of training programmes- HOW TO MAKE A TEASER? Editing and post-production workshop (20-27/05/2021): registration.

  • The Art of Pitching: Erich Pommer Institut's online training programme. Submission closed.

  • DOCS BARCELONA INDUSTRY (18-28/05/2021): doc rough cut submission closed for artistic consultancy.

  • Ex Oriente Film workshop 2021: Creative feature-length documentary projects and docuseries in development and production, challenging genres, format and media boundaries are welcome to apply for free to the  submission closed.

  • EURODOC CORSICA WORKSHOP (7-12/05/2021): application for producers and filmmakers from Corsica, Balearic Island, Italian & Portuguese Islands for documentary project development closed.

  • EMERGING PRODUCERS workshop (25-29/10/2021 in Jihlava, Czech Republic and 02/2022 in Berlin, Germany): applications for training of European documentary film producers closed.

  • Training for young professionals at La Poudrière (19/04-2/07/21): script writing for a TV film adapted from a children's book and development of a concept for a TV series or web series. Submission closed.

  • CIRCLE 2021: documentary project in any stage of production directed/produced by a woman submission closed.

  • Camp 4Science online Workshop (27/04-02/05/2021): science documentary project submission closed.

  • ESoDoc - European Social Documentary: project submission closed.

  • SeriesLab: fiction series development training application closed.

  • SERIES' WOMEN: coaching for female producers submission closed.

  • TorinoFilmLab: feature film or TV series at early stage of developpment application closed.

  • dok.incubator is a training programme for editors, directors and producers to a six–month long workshop, focused on filmmakers’ professional development: application closed.

  • CIRCLE Women Doc Accelerator 2021: applications closed.

  • IDFAcademy Summer school, 07/2020 and IDFAcademy: applications closed.

  • Eurodoc: applications closed.

  • Rotterdam Lab (25/01-05/02/2021): submission closed.

  • Documentary Campus Masterschool (2021): film project submission closed.

  • FIFDH IMPACT DAY (January and March 2021, Geneva, Switzerland): for training and networking with filmmakers and changemakers for a long-lasting positive change in our society, documentary on human rights or social justice submission closed.

  • IDFA Project Space: film project submission for a wide range of guidance and mentorship activities throughout the year from 29/06/2020.

  • EAVE plus: sustainable companies submission until 22/06/2021.

  • EAVE marketing workshop: applications closed.

  • EAVE producers workshop: applications closed.

  • Human Rights Film Festival - Climate Story Lab (6-9/10/2020, Berlin, Germany): film project submission on climate change closed.

  • Résidence d'écriture film documentaire de création (2-16/09/2020, Tlemcen, Algérie): film project submission closed.

  • CPH:LAB: doc projects submissions closed.

  • ACE: training for producers to set up an international coproduction, submission closed.

  • School of Film Advancement (SOFA): film project development workshops, submission closed.

  • DOCMONTEVIDEO : Latin American film development training, submission closed.