Forthcoming Submission Deadlines:
SERIES MANIA BEST MARKETING INITIATIVE AWARD 2025: support for BtoB and BtoC campaigns and initiatives. Creative agencies, producers, studios, international distributor and/or broadcasters and streamers, submit your intitiative by 29/01/2025.
All year long:
AfroPoP: Black Public Media (BPM) is committed to bringing to the American public dynamic stories that celebrate the art, culture, history and creativity of people of African descent from the US and around the world. We are looking for strong stories that will capture the breadth and scope of the diversity of the Black experiences. Programs can be about music, art, human rights, sports, politics, health, or anything in between. Programs should be accessible to a broad audience, have the potential for a national broadcast, and can be used for effective outreach and engagement activities to reach audiences beyond the public television broadcast. Completed programs must be able to meet PBS technical and editorial standards. We seek primarily documentaries but will consider narrative shorts that are 30 minutes or less. Submissions are accepted year-round. For programs selected for AfroPop, Black Public Media provides competitive licensing rates for broadcast and/or digital platform distribution.
POV film submission for mostly long-form, longitudinal, character-driven, contemporary stories bringing the most cinematic and creative approaches in non-fiction storytelling to the American public.
IMPACT DAYS CATALOGUE: This portal showcases previous and current Human Rights Impact Days documentaries.
Forthcoming Submission Deadlines:
Closed deadlines:
SERIES MANIA BEST MARKETING INITIATIVE AWARD 2024: Following last year's success of the inaugural launch of the Series Mania's Creative Campaign award, the competition gets even bigger and better with a new name and will now include BtoB and BtoC campaigns and initiatives. Creative agencies, producers, studios, international distributor and/or broadcasters and streamers, submit your intitiative by 23/01/2024.
Agora Doc Market (Thessaloniki, Greece): professional documentary video library for int'l buyers.
The call targets international co-productions in the post-production stage (feature, creative documentaries, animation, over 60 minutes). ✎
TFL Audience Design Fund: 3 grants of 45,000 € each to support the sale and distribution stage, plus a series of personalised Audience Design consultancies with the TFL experts.
Film Sales Support (FSS) of the European Film Promotion: call for applications for the online version of the European Film Market (10-17/02/2022) for European global sales companies registered and validated by the European Commission's register of participants and approved by the European Film Promotion Institute. It concerns European fiction, animation and documentary films, with a minimum duration of 60 minutes and from a member country of the Europe Creative MEDIA program. The FSS covers costs/investments (for 1 film or for a set of up to 5 films) for digital promotion and marketing campaigns targeting buyers outside Europe with an investment of up to 50% of the total costs and up to 5,000 euros per campaign. Application closed.
Movies that Matter supports film screenings in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe. Are you organising film screenings about urgent social issues and human rights? And are you still looking for funding? For this first selection round of 2022, organisations in South East Asia are especially invited to apply (Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam). Application for grant before 9/05/2022.
FIFDH IMPACT DAYS 2022: for filmmakers with documentary projects from around the world about urgent social or environmental issues: