One Must Cultivate One’s Own Garden’.


- Voltaire -


Mrs. Pauline Mazenod

Head of Film Acquisitions & Sales 

Founder & CEO of Windrose, specialized in the international distribution of documentaries, animation series, fiction series and performances, she is its Head of Film Acquisitions & Sales. She lives between Paris, France where Windrose has its head office and Fürth, Bavaria, Germany. Windrose has been distributing outstanding films for TV, VOD, airplane companies & educational institutions all over the world for more than 15 years. Its catalogue is composed of entertaining and inspiring films that aim to change the viewer's life and help to make our world a better place. She is the General Secretary of the European Coordination of Audiovisual Distributors to promote independent international distributors as key artistic & financial partners of producers, commissioning editors and acquisition executives. She is also an expert for CREATIVE EUROPE MEDIA.

Mr. Bryan


Known for his many activities in Italy, Australia and currently Germany, Bryan is a natural when it comes to digital technologies and the arts, whether it's music creation, theatre, podcasts, visual arts or video. Always ready to help, he also speaks several foreign languages.

contact details

French office



7, rue Civiale

F-75010 Paris



German office



Nürnbergerstrasse 2

90762 Fürth

Phone: +49 (0)9 11 80 19 94 30 

Opening hours: 9m to 1pm - 2pm to 6pm


Legal information:


WINDROSE SAS au capital de 10 000 EUR


RCS Paris: 521 853 978


TVA intracommunautaire: FR85521853978


NIF: 521853978


SIRET: 521 853 978 00018


n. d'établissement: 075 BVIJ0100


SIREN: 521 853 978


Code NAF/APE: 5913A


Steuernummer: 218/197/13968


Betriebsnummer: 25910145