>> NEW << fight for the ball

IT / ZA / DE | Ghana (52'), Italy (editing), South Africa (80' editing)| 3x26' / 52’ + feature length tbc  | Italian (sub.), English (sub.) | HD | By Christian Nicoletta, Silvia Vollenhoven | Reassemblage Produzione Audiovisive, 4Rooms srl, Vision In Africa, Bernstein Film


How do football coaches address key social problems in Genova in Italy (racism/immigration and integration), in Kumasi in Ghana (poverty), in Cape Town in South Africa (women's emancipation)? In this inspiring character-driven documentary series, will they save their (amateur) players? 


CA | Completion July 2022 | 52’ + feature length  | English | 4K tbc | By Duncan McDowall | Before The Wire Inc. 


Some of the next generation of the Blackfoot First Nation community in Canada empowers itself and fights opioid addiction by preserving ancient indigenous equine traditions. Through their 400 year-old practice of horsemanship, teenagers recovering from drug addiction, PTSD and low self-esteem, reconnect with their ancestral identity, regain self-esteem and actively promote Blackfoot traditions. We follow Ty, who built up his own Indian Relay racing team and train the young Mary to become a lady warrior relay riding champion. Together, will they find their way on their challenging road to recovery and quest for identity?


FR | 2022 | 52’ | HD | French, English (sub.) | By Laureline Amanieux | Rétroviseur Productions | France Télévisions (Rhône Alpes)


Students from a suburb professional high school in Bron, France have the chance to participate as mechanics in a team for the 24 H Le Mans Truck Race and to experience the circuit for a weekend alongside real professionals. Not belonging to the students who have a paved promising future, the Trucks Racing will enable them to start dreaming their life.

>> NEW << no heroes

GR | 2020 | 52' / 92’ | HD | Greek, English (sub.), French (sub.) | By Giorgos Vitsaropoulos | FP Media House 


2024 Paris Paralympic Games from 28/08/2024 to 8/09/2024.


Wheelchair basketball is fun & full of challenges for male, female disabled and non-disabled players!


During one whole season, we follow ASKA Marousi, a wheelchair basketball team from Athens in Greece (the inventing country of the Olympic Games), while they join the 1st division of the Greek national league. This team consists of both disabled and non-disabled men and women, including athletes who migrated to Greece, which adds to the mixture of differences! We experience how fun this sport is...as any sport, even if differently played, its socialising dimension but also its economic aspects as not everyone can afford it. Discover their coach, their training sessions, games and international traveling procedures as never seen before in advance of the forthcoming Paralympics.


CA | 2020 | 48' (French with voice-over) / 52' (English (sub.)) / 94' (French (sub.), English (sub.)) | By Helgi Piccinin | Les Films du 3 Mars & Les Vues de L'Esprit Inc. | Broadcasters: CBC, TV5 Canada


Stéphane, autistic, and Audrey, dyslexic managed to qualify for the Special Olympics World Games, as middle-distance runners. They are willing to demonstrate to the world that they deserve recognition as anyone else. Determined to become world champions, we follow them from the preparation in Canada to the finals in Dubai. Do their chances rely on their physical or mental condition? Will they win despite the fact that they’re special …or thanks to it?

moroccan gunpowder girls

DE | 2020 | 50' / 43' for the German version | German, French, English (sub.) | 4K | By Ute de Groot & Susan Gluth Leonardo Film | Broadcaster: ARTE


Moroccan women challenge the patriarchal society by taking part in an ancestral horse ritual formerly trusted by men, the FANTASIA. The young woman Afrae Ben Bih is training her team of female riders for the event. Despite the support of women and men of their community, will they achieve to be recognized in the manly world of the FANTASIA competition?


FR | 2020 | 52' | HD | French, English (sub.) | By Matteo Meglioli | Chickens Chicots | Broadcaster: France Télévisions


Through the extreme sport of parachuting, three women want to prove to themselves that they can overcome their limits and free themselves from prejudices towards women still existing in our society. Free fall world champion, Lieutenant of 1st Regiment who just joined the army and Muslim mother of an immigrant family, they are all determined to jump. But what happens when you’re alone facing your fears?


FR | 2016 | 52' | HD | French (sub. and narration voice), English (sub.) | By Michael Brusseau | VLB Production | Broadcasters: Deutsche Welle


In North Morocco, two surf associations are trying to keep children and teenagers from deprived families away from the street and its harmful temptations. Abdellah El Ghazal, former surfing champion, as well as Youssef and Samia, offer them a safer framework to grow up promoting the values of education, environment and solidarity.


FR | 2014 | 52' | HD | French, English (sub.) | By Marion Poizeau | Broadcasters: Globosat, Deutsche Welle


Three women - an Irish surfer, an Iranian snowboarder & an  Iranian diver- decide to introduce surf in Iran. In the Southeastern region, known for its waves, their belief in the values of sport allows them to connect with others and gain a new visibility in the society despite their veil. Surf could also bring economic development to the region. This film has been edited by the famous Iranian filmmaker B. Kiarostami, son of A. Kiarostami.


FR | 2014 | 65'/52' | HD | French (sub on Wolof.), English (sub.) | By Hélène Harder | Wendigo Films | Broadcasters: ARTE, PBS.


A group of Senegalese women share a passion: playing football! In a muslim society in which people prefer women to play a more traditional role, "Ladies' Turn", an NGO, organizing a female soccer tournament, fights to get the chance to play the final in Dakar's newest stadium. Will they manage and win the visibility they deserve reflecting the role that women are forging in the Senegalese society?


FR | 2015 | 52' | HD | French | By Caroline Puig Granetier | Les Films de la Découverte | Broadcasters: TV Grenoble, TV8 Mont Blanc


Three internationally renowned French sport champions make us go behind the scenes of golf. Despite their apparent tranquillity and solitude on the course, they resolutely master this intellectually and physically highly-demanding discipline, with a strong team and competitive spirit. Raphaël Jacquelin is the best French international player. Jean Garraialde was the best player in France before retirement. Bruno Saby, former rally driver, brings a complementary input on this thrilling "game".