agatha's case files

Late 19th century in St. Petersburg. Agatha Kern is a noble who deceives people and extorts their money to support her family. The investigator Pushkin finds her an unexpected smart ally to uncover crimes. Teaming up together, they face adventurous intrigues, murders, lies, mysterious cases… But what about love?


Crime series with historical background.

Season 1: queen of diamonds

RU | 2020 | 4K | 4X45', season 3 completion 2021, season 4 to be confirmed in 2021 | Russian, English (sub.) | By Vladimir Koifman | Zebra Film Group | Broadcaster: TVC Channel | Script-writer: Grigory Zhikharevich (Based on the novels by Anton Chizh) | Cast: Daria Lenda, Konstantin Kryvkov, Alexander Polovtsev, Boris Khvoshnyansky.


Saint Petersburg, end of the 19th century. Why would a young smart noble woman commit fraud?  When a non-standard thinking detective starts chasing her, has he realized she could be a precious ally to uncover a terrible crime? 

SeaSON 2: Roulette of Fate

4X45', season 3 completion 2021, season 4 to be confirmed in 2021


Saint Petersburg, end of the 19th century. When a series of bloody crimes takes place in connection with a roulette, an unsuccessful combination of circumstances threaten to separate Agatha & Pushkin. Why did lucky players die from incredible winnings? Who is behind those murders? Does the secret formula to beat roulette exist? Above all, will the joint unravelling of crimes bring our lovers back together?


the dark side of the light

RU | 2018 | 2x44’ | HD | Russian, English (sub.) | by Grigory Zhikharevich | Zebra Film Group | Broadcaster: TVC Channel | Script-writer: Grigory Zhikharevich | Cast: Anna Banshikova, Vladislav Resnik, Yury Elagin, Leonid Alimov, Konstantin Vorobyov 

Police series

Lyuba, a wise detective inspector, is referred to a young woman kidnapping case. As she goes deeper into the investigation, trying to keep her loved ones protected from the difficulties of her work, a family secret suddenly bursts out, reshaping her life. At the same time, her colleague and former lover becomes the main suspect. Suddenly, personal and professional plots collide like billiard balls: will she manage to find solutions for both issues?


RU | 2012 | 8x44’ | HD | Russian, English (sub.) | by Leo Zisman | KOBURA film Company | Broadcaster: Russia 1 TV Channel | Script-writer: Leo Zisman | Cast: Danila Zozlovky, Anya Chipovskaya, Vladimir Epifantsev, Dina Korzoon.

Historical series, drama.

1929, Harbin, Russian city in China. The Ukrainian Eybozhenko family works on the Russo-Chinese railway. They raise their sons: Boris, who dreams of becoming a steam locomotive driver, and Vovka, a gifted violinist. After a war between Russia and Japan, which ended in Harbin being occupied by the Japanese, Japan purchases the railroad from the U.S.S.R. in 1935. The Eybozhenko family has to go back to Russia. Stalin doesn't trust the former residents of Harbin, because they've seen another reality than the Soviet's ones. Boris' sent to a Gulag. At Stalin's death in 1953, Boris is freed and tries to start a new life with his brother, Vovka. But their past in Harbin keeps hunting them. Boris’ former love, Luda and his rival, Krahmalnikov reappear. Can time alleviate pain and revenge feelings? Can we really free ourselves from our past, and of the course of History?

Based on a true story, written by Boris Khistenko in My Tale of Survival.